Search Tutorials
Search capabilities are grown in importance as the quantity of digital data has grown
exponentially on computers and on the web. These tutorials focus on Apache Lucene, a fantastic
library that can be used to build fast, powerful search functionality into applications.
How do I use Lucene to index and search text files?
How do I delete a document from a Lucene index using the value of a field?
How do I optimize a Lucene index after deleting documents from the index?
How do I use an index in memory?
How do control how much of a document is indexed?
How do I convert a file system index to a memory index?
How do I search an index for a term?
How do I search an index for a prefix?
How do I perform a range query?
How do I perform a wildcard query?
How do I combine queries with a boolean query?
How do I query for words near each other with a phrase query?