How do I select files to a particular depth in a directory?
Author: Deron Eriksson
Description: This Java tutorial describes how to select files down to a particular depth in a directory using Commons IO.
Tutorial created using: Windows XP || JDK 1.5.0_09 || Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 (Eclipse 3.3.0)

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The contents of my project, with the "stuff" directory expanded, is shown below:

contents of project displayed

The console output from the execution of DirectoryWalkerTest is shown below. You can see that only *.txt files at a depth of 3 or less in the "stuff" directory get put in the list of files obtained by the walker.


depth is 2, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\a.txt will be added
file doesn't end in .txt, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\e.jsp will be skipped
depth is 3, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2\b.txt will be added
depth is 4, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2\f3\c.txt will be skipped
depth is 5, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2\f3\f4\d.txt will be skipped
file doesn't end in .txt, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f5\f.jsp will be skipped
depth is 3, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f5\f6\g.txt will be added
depth is 2, so C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f7\h.txt will be added

Files ending with .txt with a depth of 3 or less

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