How do I turn off the User Access Control popups?
Author: Deron Eriksson
Description: This example demonstrates how to turn off the annoying User Access Control popups in Windows Vista.
Tutorial created using: Windows Vista

Few things are more annoying when you first start using Windows Vista than the User Account Control popup messages. These popup messages can appear in response to many, many different user actions. As a result, their novelty wears off very, very fast, since a lot of times, you get a popup message in Windows, and then the User Account Control gives you another popup in response to the first popup.

To turn off the User Account Control popups, go to Control Panel → User Accounts and Family Safety → User Accounts. Click on "Turn User Account Control on or off".

User Accounts

Uncheck the "Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer" checkbox. Click OK.

Uncheck 'Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer'

After this, you need to restart Windows Vista in order for your changes to take effect. After restarting, the User Account Control popups should now be gone.