How do I zip a directory and all its contents?
Author: Deron Eriksson
Description: This Java tutorial describes how to zip all the contents of a directory.
Tutorial created using:
Windows XP || JDK 1.5.0_09 || Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 (Eclipse 3.3.0)
(Continued from page 1) This project's directory structure is shown below. The ZipDirectory class will zip all the contents of the 'stuff' folder. Execution of ZipDirectory results in the following output: ---Getting references to all files in: C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff directory:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1 directory:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2 directory:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2\f3 file:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\f1\f2\f3\file5.txt file:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\file1.txt file:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\file2.txt directory:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\folder file:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\folder\file3.txt file:C:\projects\workspace\testing\stuff\folder\file4.txt ---Creating zip file Writing 'f1\f2\f3\file5.txt' to zip file Writing 'file1.txt' to zip file Writing 'file2.txt' to zip file Writing 'folder\file3.txt' to zip file Writing 'folder\file4.txt' to zip file ---Done The file is now present at the root level of the project. If we examine, we can see that it contains the expected contents. Related Tutorials: