Mediator Pattern
Author: Deron Eriksson
Description: This Java tutorial describes the mediator pattern, a behavioral object pattern.
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Windows Vista || JDK 1.6.0_11 || Eclipse JEE Ganymede SR1 (Eclipse 3.4.1)
(Continued from page 1) In the constructor of the AmericanSeller class, the class gets a reference to the mediator and the priceInDollars gets set. This is the price of some good being sold. The seller registers with the mediator as the AmericanSeller. The seller's isBidAccepted() method takes a bid (in dollars). If the bid is over the price (in dollars), the bid is accepted and true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned. AmericanSeller.javapackage com.cakes; public class AmericanSeller { Mediator mediator; float priceInDollars; public AmericanSeller(Mediator mediator, float priceInDollars) { this.mediator = mediator; this.priceInDollars = priceInDollars; this.mediator.registerAmericanSeller(this); } public boolean isBidAccepted(float bidInDollars) { if (bidInDollars >= priceInDollars) { System.out.println("Seller accepts the bid of " + bidInDollars + " dollars\n"); return true; } else { System.out.println("Seller rejects the bid of " + bidInDollars + " dollars\n"); return false; } } } The DollarConverter class is another colleague class. When created, it gets a reference to the mediator and registers itself with the mediator as the DollarConverter. This class has methods to convert amounts in euros and kronor to dollars. DollarConverter.javapackage com.cakes; public class DollarConverter { Mediator mediator; public static final float DOLLAR_UNIT = 1.0f; public static final float EURO_UNIT = 0.7f; public static final float KRONA_UNIT = 8.0f; public DollarConverter(Mediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; mediator.registerDollarConverter(this); } private float convertEurosToDollars(float euros) { float dollars = euros * (DOLLAR_UNIT / EURO_UNIT); System.out.println("Converting " + euros + " euros to " + dollars + " dollars"); return dollars; } private float convertKronorToDollars(float kronor) { float dollars = kronor * (DOLLAR_UNIT / KRONA_UNIT); System.out.println("Converting " + kronor + " kronor to " + dollars + " dollars"); return dollars; } public float convertCurrencyToDollars(float amount, String unitOfCurrency) { if ("krona".equalsIgnoreCase(unitOfCurrency)) { return convertKronorToDollars(amount); } else { return convertEurosToDollars(amount); } } } The Demo class demonstrates our mediator pattern. It creates a SwedishBuyer object and a FrenchBuyer object. It creates an AmericanSeller object with a selling price set to 10 dollars. It then creates a DollarConverter. All of these objects register themselves with the mediator in their constructors. The Swedish buyer starts with a bid of 55 kronor and keeps bidding up in increments of 15 kronor until the bid is accepted. The French buyer starts bidding at 3 euros and keeps bidding in increments of 1.50 euros until the bid is accepted. Demo.javapackage com.cakes; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Mediator mediator = new Mediator(); Buyer swedishBuyer = new SwedishBuyer(mediator); Buyer frenchBuyer = new FrenchBuyer(mediator); float sellingPriceInDollars = 10.0f; AmericanSeller americanSeller = new AmericanSeller(mediator, sellingPriceInDollars); DollarConverter dollarConverter = new DollarConverter(mediator); float swedishBidInKronor = 55.0f; while (!swedishBuyer.attemptToPurchase(swedishBidInKronor)) { swedishBidInKronor += 15.0f; } float frenchBidInEuros = 3.0f; while (!frenchBuyer.attemptToPurchase(frenchBidInEuros)) { frenchBidInEuros += 1.5f; } } } The console output of the execution of Demo is shown here. Console OutputBuyer attempting a bid of 55.0 krona Converting 55.0 kronor to 6.875 dollars Seller rejects the bid of 6.875 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 70.0 krona Converting 70.0 kronor to 8.75 dollars Seller rejects the bid of 8.75 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 85.0 krona Converting 85.0 kronor to 10.625 dollars Seller accepts the bid of 10.625 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 3.0 euro Converting 3.0 euros to 4.285714 dollars Seller rejects the bid of 4.285714 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 4.5 euro Converting 4.5 euros to 6.4285717 dollars Seller rejects the bid of 6.4285717 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 6.0 euro Converting 6.0 euros to 8.571428 dollars Seller rejects the bid of 8.571428 dollars Buyer attempting a bid of 7.5 euro Converting 7.5 euros to 10.714286 dollars Seller accepts the bid of 10.714286 dollars In this example of the mediator pattern, notice that all communication between our objects (buyers, seller, and converter) occurs via the mediator. The mediator pattern helps reduce the number of object references needed (via composition) as classes proliferate in a project as a project grows. Related Tutorials: